Sunday, August 31, 2014

lucas L Line Illuminator part 3-4

"The secrets of this earth are not for all men to see, but only for those who will seek them."

Rand, Ayn (2013-03-27). Anthem (pp. 32-33). Start Publishing LLC. Kindle Edition.
I think this quote is very powerful, since this is true. The people that explore for years and years should be rewarded with knowledge and things that others don't. Know we can take pictures, but before that the only way to do it was paint the picture, and it is hard to be exact. Another reason is because I think people that think outside of the box are more likely to find or do new things. If someone is always generic and he/she never tries new things, he won't do anything important in his life, meaning he won't know the "secret" On the other hand, the people who are outgoing and are willing to do new things everyday could have a more interesting job and could become a unique person.

"We forget all men, all laws and all things save our metals and our wires. So much is still to be learned! So long a road lies before us, and what care we if we must travel it alone!'

Rand, Ayn (2013-03-27). Anthem (p. 34). Start Publishing LLC. Kindle Edition.
This quote can mean many things. I think it means that you should follow your dreams and desires. Even though it was against the rules to do what Equality was doing, he wanted to discover new things, and instead of being like everyone else, he followed his dream. Another thing this could be is that people should not back down on something important. Even if no one is supporting them, they should still travel along this road because it is part of their desires
This pictures shows an endless road that you should keep exploring, if you want to get to the end of it


  1. I really like your post I think you did a good job. I would explain a little more of what happen in the book in these last chapter. However l like how you followed your requirement of being the Line illuminator and did that job pretty well. In overall I would say good job on your post and keep up the good work.

    1. Victor, I agree with you that Lucas needs to explain a little bit more about the last chapters of the book. This is because Lucas didn't finish his thoughts, but he did really well. But I think all he should do is add more about what happened in the chapters of the book instead of just explaining what this quote means.

  2. Lucas, I think you did good but there are some things you should add. You should explain more about how these quotes are related to the chapter. This is because all you really say is what what you think the quote means, and you shouldn't do that. What you should do is add more about whats in the book, but you should still say what you think the quote means.

  3. 1) "The secrets of this earth are not for all men to see, but only for those who will seek them."

    I actually think this quote is a different way to say, "Who seeks, finds." I believe this quote is telling us to be courageous and try hard, because if we do both of those things, we will do things we never thought was possible. We will accomplish new things, and with that, we will learn and gain knowledge.

    2) "We forget all men, all laws and all things save our metals and our wires. So much is still to be learned! So long a road lies before us, and what care we if we must travel it alone!'

    I agree with you I also believe this quote is telling us to follow our dreams no matter how difficult it becomes. It is telling us to never give up, and to persevere. After reading this quote I realized Equality is probably a perseverer as he won't give up on discovering new things. Due to this fact, he discovered the electricity. He faced many different types of challenges along the way such as having to steal items. Although he knew that was wrong, it did not stop him and he went all the way through with his plans which led to new discovery. A discovery of things he never thought even existed.

  4. Overall, I really liked your post, but just like everything, it's not perfect, and I have some things I would like to see in your next post. I felt like you didn't explain the quotes deeply enough. You have the a lot of reasons, but none of them are deep thinking. For example when you said:

    "The people that explore for years and years should be rewarded with knowledge and things that others don't. Know we can take pictures, but before that the only way to do it was paint the picture, and it is hard to be exact. "

    You could've explained how would you like them to be rewarded. I know you mentioned with knowledge, but how exactly.

    Mathaus Silva

  5. Lucas, thank you for pushing foward my thinking. I genuinely enjoyed comparing you opinions with mine and considering them.
    "The secrets of this earth are not for all men to see, but only for those who will seek them."
    Too me this quote means that in order to discover something, you must risk not being able to discover anything. I think that as a general quote it just means that you have to risk in order to get.

    "We forget all men, all laws and all things save our metals and our wires. So much is still to be learned! So long a road lies before us, and what care we if we must travel it alone!'

    I think that this quote means that the main character realizes that he has made a huge mistake. And realizes just how "messed up" society has been all these year and just how cluess he himself, has been.
