Sunday, September 7, 2014

Word Whisperer- Marina Dissinger

Ayn Rand
Parts 5 and 6
Word Whisperer

"Darkness swallowed us."- Part 5

I think this sentence is very descriptive because it has imagery in it. Imagery means visually descriptive or figurative language.This makes the reader picture a pitch black room. It also has personification (the addition of nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman) in it, as the author makes the darkness seem living and dangerous. Additionally, in my opinion, it has a little of diction/ tone in it. Diction/ tone means a vocal sound with reference to its pitch, quality, and strength. That is included because it seems very serious and mysterious to say. This sentence affects the reader because reading this, the people can imagine the scenario, and therefore pay more attention.

"We hastened to the Theatre. But the big tent stood grey and silent against the sky." - Part 6

Firstly, this sentence is very pretty in my opinion. It also has components of personification in it, as the tent was referred to be doing a human action; standing silently against the sky. This means the tent was still and quiet in the night. Secondly, similarly as the other sentence, this has imagery in it, because when you read this, you can imagine a big, silent, still tent in the middle of the cold, dark night. I think these two literary elements make the scenario a little bit more creepy and scary, as well as descriptive. I, as a reader, believe that sentences like this make me pay more attention to reading.

"The first blow of the lash felt as if our spine had been cut in two."
This sentence is very disturbing in my opinion and it has a series of literary elements in it. Firstly, it has personification, like all of the passages stated above. In the sentence, it is written that the lash blew. The lash is being personified because objects can't blow. Additionally, in the passage there is imagery (a quite disturbing one) because you can imagine his back being cut and hurt. Also, there is a simile included in the sentence. Simile is a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another using "like" or "as". In the sentence, there is a comparison to the pain, as it is stated that it feels like your spine is
cut in half. 

"The second blow stopped the first, and for a second we felt nothing, then the pain struck us in our throat and fire ran in our lungs without air."

     This sentence has imagery, and personification. It has imagery because you can imagine the pain that he felt by reading the passage. It has personification because fire can actually not run. In this context, fire running through the lungs means that he was feeling so much pain that he could feel it inside of him, and practically everywhere.

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